We have now integrated with AroFlo to provide you with seamless job management! Just follow these steps to connect your Cook's Connect account to your AroFlo account & submit an order:
Step 1: Log into AroFlo, then click on your initials in the top-right corner of the screen.
Then click 'Site Administration'.
Step 2: Click 'Settings', then click 'Add-Ons'.
Then click 'Supplier Catalogues'.
Step 3: Scroll down to 'Cook's Plumbing Supplies', then click 'Settings'.
Step 4: Enter in your Cook's Connect email address & password. Then configure the rest of the settings as shown below.
You have now connected your Cook's Connect account to AroFlo!
Step 5: To create a purchase order in AroFlo, go back to the Office Site page and click 'Create', then 'Purchase Order'.
Step 6: Click 'Supplier Catalogues' then 'Cook's Plumbing Supplies'
Step 7: Select the items you'd like to order, then click 'PunchOut'.
Step 8: Save your order, then email it to your Cook's store.